Recycled Timber Decking

Recycled Timber Flooring
13 September 2016

Recycled Posts, Beams and Trusses
13 September 2016
Key Usage
Recycled Timber Decking, Decking from Recycled Australian Hardwoods, Hardwood Floors, Recycled Flooring, Recycled Decking, Durable Hardwood Timbers.Description
Recycled Timbers manufactures decking from recycled Australian hardwoods.
When durability is a concern, these class 1 and 2 hardwood timbers are suitable for nearly all applications.
Width of decking varies from 65mm cover up to 165mm cover with pencil round or arrissed edge profiles available, with thicknesses from 19mm (standard) to any custom thickness you require.
With the pencil round we machine all 4 edges so that the customer can choose which side of the timber they prefer.
For information on colours, moisture content, standard sizes, profiles used and bushfire ratings see our Timber Specs page.
All of our timber is kiln dried to Australian Standard (moisture content) AS/NZS 1080.1:1997